Food for Thought: Food Systems from Local to Global

Andrew Libby
Human Biology
The essential question of this course is: Why do people eat what they eat? In an effort to answer this question, we will examine a variety of economic, ecological, sociological and political dimensions of food in local, national, and global contexts. Our hope is to understand and unravel the complex structural mechanisms that determine what food we grow, how we grow it, where it goes, at what cost, and what it looks like when it eventually arrives on the table. Ideally, investigating the policies and processes that drive the production, distribution, and consumption of food will clarify for us what effect these policies and processes have on our diet, our health, our economy and our environment from the local to the global.
This course is eligible for honors credit through Hutton Honors College.
Catalog Information: COLL-S 104 FRESHMAN SEMINAR IN S&H