What Makes Good Music?
Kyle Adams
Jacobs School of Music
We all like music. The goal of this course is to talk about why.
My primary objective is to introduce you to the study of music through the fundamental vocabulary of music, outlining the most critical questions in music study (concerning repertoire, methodologies, and diversity of perspectives), and engaging with scholarly literature at an appropriate level. You will learn to articulate what you like about music, supporting your opinions with objective musical observations. Along the way, we’ll talk about songs, albums, music videos, music journalism, and music in films.
Since the course focuses on what you hear, the music that we study in the course will be primarily determined by you. In the first class meeting, we will talk about our favorite types of music, and briefly discuss why we like them. I will then solicit written suggestions for music to be studied in class. There will be no limitations on repertoire. All forms of music are worthy of study, and all can be appreciated if you know what to listen for.
This course is eligible for honors credit through Hutton Honors College.